Hyundai Thailand

Hyundai wants to relaunch the brand to Thai market again after more than 10 years. To make a mark again in Thai market by launching the new Hyundai STARGAZER B-MPV



360 Campaign TVC, Main Key Visuals, Online Content, Online Media Ads Op, Offline Media Buying, Event Creative Materials


Strategy & Research

To ensure the content is most suitable and relevant to the target group, we conducted research, reviewed competitors, and developed a strategy before commencing our work. Additionally, we analyzed pain points, defined objectives, and formatted content suitable for the platform, ensuring the highest efficiency in our efforts.


Key Visual

Blending product functionality with emotional appeal, we create comfort and soothing visuals that highlight the product's key selling points.


Thematic Video

In our video materials, we maintain a consistent mood and tone of comfort and soothing while highlighting the product's key functions. Since it's an SUV, we tell the story through a family to illustrate how the Stargazer is well-suited to a family lifestyle, ensuring safety and comfort for every member. Additionally, we've produced multiple versions of the video tailored to suit different preferences and platforms.


Social Media

We've developed social media content that effectively communicates a variety of messages, promotions, and detailed information about product functions.

Online content serves as a crucial channel that every brand prefers to utilize.



Total Video Views



Total Engagement
